The Town


The medieval centre is one of the most beautiful Italian villages, honoured also with the Orange Flag of Italian Touring Club: Cisternino is located 394 metres above sea level and its name comes from the ancient name Sturnium, the first origin village of Ostuni, old messapic town.

Its amazing old town shows a big entrance, Porta with the Chiesa Matrice of San Nicola di Patara, close to the stunning Torre Civica and in the underground the Macc, Museo di Arte Contemporanea, contemporary art museum that organizes many exhibitions

Through the white alleys and surprising corners, you find five small quarters, each of them has its dialect name: l’Isule, le Scheledd, u Pantèn, u Bùrie e Bère vecchie. Historical buildings, like Palazzo La Gravinese, Palazzo del Governatore and the little Chiesa di Santa Lucia, near the small gate Porta Piccola. Other interesting monuments are some churches, like Chiesa di San Cataldo, Chiesa Nuova and Chiesa del Santo Patrono Quirico.

From the public garden, you can enjoy the breathless panoramic view over the valley and the closed towns. In the urban and rural areas, you find several points of interest, like the sanctuary Santuario di Santa Maria De Bernis, the Monumental Cemetery, and the “mountains” Monti di Cisternino, on the top of the hill the Ciclovia dell’Acquedotto Pugliese, a renovated cyclopath.

Art and taste are the heart of the historical centre with its cozy alleys and the old butcheries cooking meat and the other typical production, like olive oil and dairy products. Handmade production is also important, with stone, iron and typical products symbols of an authentic territory